We believe that technology can and should be used to empower students and to transform learning experience and opportunities in the classroom.
Teachers introduces them with every new thing in The World and make them strong emotionally, psychologically and mentally. It's an honor for us to teach the upcoming Citizens of Society. So we thanks! to our God and this Nature for giving us a chance to become “TEACHERS”
Day by day the World is changing so fast and to run with the world. we must have the knowledge of Technology. So we work hard to gain knowledge of new things of technology for our students.
Though this school is at rural area then also they know how to use technology and how to gain knowledge out of it and they will definitely be The future of 21st Century generation.
There school village way is not good but because of their intention to get knowledge and information they come through that way and learn happily at school.
We use #Microsoft #Minecraft Education Edition #Office 365 #Teams #ClassNote #SkypeInTheClassroom #Wakelet #Flipgrid #Buncee #YouTube #DigitalSakshar #GoogleTools #Sway #GoogleEarth these tools with Academic for better outcomes in Teaching and Learning Process.
Our School Report Cards
Facts and Figures. School imparting Elementary education has been covered unde + National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NUEPA)
Special Thanks to
In local News paper there is a report of our school progress
Students take care of School garden and from it they learn so much about maintaining garden and cleanliness in the school
Back to school
Back to school
The powerful impact of learning through Minecraft Education Edition Grade 8th students Learn Hour of Code basic coding concepts to correct mysterious mishaps throughout history!
#hourofcode2021 #minecraftedu #microsoftedu #Collaboration #problemsolving
Easy Indian recipe
I was extremely ✨ happy when I saw 😇 my students teaching Flipgrid some junior class students & student record their response on Flipgrid #challenge 🏆
We love 🥰 #FlipfgridForAll
Students of class 6th,7th and 8th are doing Science project while watching the species of onion by a microscope in the classroom
Students of class 6th,7th and 8th are doing Science project while watching the species of onion by a microscope in the classroom
Students participating in various global project like plastic pollution, water and land pollution while in classroom.
Every 2 montns period parents meeting is held and we discuss about students education and how to improve it.
All the people in the Town come and gift the plants in school andplant the crops in the school andhelp teachers to plant the crops.
Students participate in various games , sports and matches of accepting their prizes.
On this day all the students of school came by wearing Indian Traditional Wears
On this day all the students play the role of teachers & handle the whole school.
Students saying about how they felt about Teachers day in their own language & share their feelings about it.
On this day all students gather and take a parade about their country sharing thoughts and speeches about it.
Teachers giving information to the students about the ancient walls and some ancient inscriptions and manuscripts about ancient time.
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan day and some educational things were distributed to the students on this day.
Microsoft has invited and given certificate for gearing up students education with Microsoft in school [Deepak Bhange]
How Microsoft Tools can be involved in studies this project tells about it.
Accepting trophie and certficate from the CEO of Microsoft Education India.
Students creating Minecraft worlds.
By a medium of Remote Learning students recording their video on Flipgrid.
By a medium of Remote Learning students recording their video on Flipgrid.
Selfie with students
By this medium students of different schools met together and discuss about their cultural exchange.
Here are some more about Mathematics for all Grade 1st to 8th For everyone who cares about education - Students, Teachers, Parents and Social Organizations
Here are some videos to helps student How to play Minecraft
Minecraft: Education Edition is an educational version of Minecraft, the game popular with children all over the world. Thanks to it, they willingly study Math, History, Science, Computer science and many other subjects; they learn to interact, develop creativity, and better memorize new information
Here are lot of Academic Videos it's helps us to better education for better outcomes.
Watch Discovery's Various Shows On Outdoor, Food, Lifestyle, Wildlife in 8 Languages. Short And Crisp Videos On Shorts Curated For Users On The Go Only On Discovery Plus. Discovery Channel. Types: Adventure, Animals, Auto, Food, Lifestyle, Science.
A planet is an astronomical body orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause ...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is an independent agency of the United States Federal Government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and space research. NASA was established in 1958, succeeding the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Students participated in letter sea competition video.
After the assembly is over Students do Mass PT because of this Students health and physical fittness increases.
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